Soybean Performance Testing
The NDSU soybean program conducts performance tests on commercial soybean lines/varieties. The results of these tests are published publicly to allow North Dakota farmers to make informed decisions in their seed choices. Available tests are Soybean Variety Yield Trials, Soybean Cyst Nematode, and Iron Deficiency Chlorosis.
As of 2021, entering lines/varieties into these tests can be done online.
Soybean Variety Yield Trials for Central and Southern Regions
Yield trials will be conducted for Non-GMO and GMO cultivars in the Central and Southern regions of North Dakota. One and a half pounds of seed is required for each location. Three pounds for Central test, three punds for Southern test, and six pounds for both tests. Cultivars must be of maturity no later than 0.3 for the Central test and no later than 1.3 for the Southern test. Treated seed will be accepted. Experimental lines will not be accepted unless seed will be available commercially in 2026 or in 2027. The fee is $270 for each entry per location with a minimum requirement of 2 locations. NOTE: There will be no refunds in the event of a natural disaster such as hail.
Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Test
SCN-resistant soybean cultivars evaluated on SCN-infested soil. Three pounds of seed is required for each entry. Treated seed will be accepted. Experimental lines will not be accepted unless seed will be available commercially in 2026 or in 2027. As of 2024, the fee is $100 per entry. Each entry will be planted in two locations.
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis (IDC) Test
One half pound of seed is required for each entry. Treated seed will be accepted. Experimental lines will not be accepted unless seed will be available commercially in 2026 or 2027. Yield data is no longer collected as part of this test. As of 2024, the fee is $50 per entry. Each entry will be planted in four locations.
Order Form
Complete the online order form for each seed line/variety you are entering in a test. Multiple tests can be included in the same order.
Deadline to order: February 28, 2025
By checking a box in the required field on the order form and submitting the form, you are authorizing the publication of all agronomic data and oil/protein percentage data collected by North Dakota State University for each soybean cultivar entered.
Payment Instructions
Invoices will be sent after application submission, typically in June.
Payment due: 30 days after invoicing.
NOTE: There will be no refunds in the event of a natural disaster such as hail.
Seed Delivery Instructions
Ship seed by: March 31, 2025
Please email Ben Harms regarding any changes made due to winter nursery delays, name changes, or changes to maturity group.
Ship to
Attn: Benjamin Harms - Soybean Variety Trial
NDSU Plant Sciences
1360 Albrecht Blvd.
Loftsgard 166
Fargo, ND 58102
Contact Information
Dr. Carrie Miranda, Project Leader
(701) 231-8136